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Purple Martins

Our farm serves as an annual host to some of the most interesting summer guests – Purple Martin birds! These wonderful creatures are long-distance migrants that travel north to breed primarily in the temperate climates of the Eastern United States.  After wintering predominantly in the Amazon region of South America, they begin their trek north in early winter, typically arriving in Indiana by mid to late March. 


​Purple Martin birds are known for their splendid flight and pleasant sounds. We are a landlord to about 100 of these beautiful birds. Purple Martins are native to North and South America. These birds, east of the Rockies, rely almost exclusively on housing provided by humans. Purple Martin birds that fly to the western part of the U.S. find natural cavities to call home. No other bird is as dependent on man as the Purple Martin is for their nesting requirement. These birds have historically never built their own homes. We have 72 awesome homes for these beautiful, intelligent birds 


If you have never witnessed the spectacular aerial acrobatics performed by a Purple Martin, you now have an opportunity by visiting our ranch any time from mid-March until late July. Sit by our pond and listen to soothing twittering sounds while witnessing a flying show! Purple Martins put on quite a show while they fly through the air to snap up flying insects. These birds are aerial insectivores meaning they only eat flying insects. Make sure to watch closely and you'll see a Purple Martin dip in our pond for a quick splash bath or a quick sip when they skim the water's surface with their lower bill. Purple Martins get all of their food and water in flight!  


Once our birds pair together and select a nest, we begin a nest check routine. We lower their home briefly in order to check in on them. We will do a nest check every five to seven days throughout their stay. 


Purple Martins typically lay one egg a day for two to seven days in a row. Checking a nest with eggs or baby chicks inside is quite the sight to see. If you are visiting and see us doing a nest check, please walk over and take a peek! 


Purple Martin birds typically depart our farm during the month of July. 



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3124 E. 266th St. Arcadia, IN 46030

Hamilton County




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